Who is behind Greenisher ?
Hey there! My name is Aïmene and I pretty much run the show over here at Greenisher — with the help of a community of passionate gardeners.
My Gardening journey really began when I was 12 y.o. I had a gardening spot on my rooftop, and that’s when I really fell in love with gardening. Even back in the days, I started growing everything I find in the kitchen and was eager to learn anything I could so that my precious plants could get the necessary conditions to grow.
Just a couple of years later my family moved to a new house and this is where the story begins. I made a pack of big containers around the new terrace and put them whenever I could find the space (I love containers they bring life to the most unlivable places) it was my lab and also my source of food, I tried almost every technic, from classical soil growing to hydroponic vertical gardening I also never stopped reading about the new ways that worked here and there.
I LOVE reading and consider it the best way to earn knowledge especially when I am surrounded by the purest oxygen I could get.
As you can see, I’ve been passionate about Gardening most of my life now and that helped me develop various hobbies (I guess you know how much time you could wait to see your plants growing day after day that helped me develop various hobbies from playing guitar to learning languages also photography by shooting adorable of them). When I get asked about my passion in life gardening is the first thing that comes to my mind. It was where it all started, I knew that starting a Gardening blog was my way to share the knowledge I had the chance to acquire through the years.
Why I started Greenisher
Over time, I began reading about the industrialized food that we eat every day.
I stumbled upon some interesting statistics about the ever-growing problems in the health and the role of industries in providing us with unhealthy food :
- Unsafe food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances, causes more than 200 diseases – ranging from diarrhea to cancers.
- Children under 5 years of age carry 40% of the foodborne disease burden, with 125 000 deaths every year.
But passed upon some satisfiying statistics too, A 2018 national survey shows that :
- More American households are gardening than ever before (77%)
- Increasingly the gardener is a young man (18 to 34-year-olds now occupy 29% of all gardening households ) the youth are finally in.
At that time I was sure that I would one day grow my own food and my garden didn’t only do just that, it also created an ecosystem on its own, that started attracting birds and purifying the air and that really brought me joy and well being.
As I delved further into the rabbit hole and over the years, I learned some few things that became my principles about gardening and the principles of this website :
My Secret spot on the rooftop
Stick around to see how I managed to grow everything I needed here.
Principle N°1
I believe that everyone in the world is capable of growing his own food, bringing mother nature into our houses no matter where we live or how small is our place there must always be a gardening spot.
Principle N°2
Gardening gives you power, mother nature transmits its energy to us thought soil and we should interact with it to get our everyday dose.
Principle N°3
Gardening is not an old people hobby, it must be the youth new reference.
The Greenisher Way is a New Era to Gardening, We believe that Growing your own food is a must to everyone especially the youth in our modern society, the world we live in needs a Green touch, A more healthy living style, and environment while meeting with the modern tools and technics.
Our mission is demonstrating the basic elements of gardening , sharing the knowledge and inspiring each others for a Greener future , that is better for the health of our bodies and plante by making it FUN , MODERN and PASSIONATING .
Our goal is to turn the world into a Greener place for us and the upcoming generations .